Monday, June 28, 2010

Fast approaching...

So now with just a little over a month left before I embark on the biggest journey of my life....I am definitely beginning to feel the heat...literally. First of all, its been crazy humid here over the past few days and I feel like im baking in the oven at 350. And I have 31 days...yes 31...left until I leave for South Africa and I have soooo much to do. I'm still working on the payment part. So far I have recieved support from so many people and I am truly thankful for EVERYONE who has been supporting me whether it be financially, emotionally or just praying for me. I am a little overwhelmed with all the support and interest I have been recieving AND it feels good to know that so many people have my back!
There are also a lot of hidden costs that I have been encountering such has $200 for vaccinations..$150 for contacts ( yall know I will break then lose my glasses lol) and thats just for the eye exam and fitting, and khaki pants for working and I don't even own a pair cause i just hate them =). Just a few of the random things that are starting to pop up the I need. BUT I know it will ALLL be worth it in the end...pray for me! =)

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