Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Something you won't find in the travel brochure

Previously I posted some quick facts about South Africa but, just like an any other country around the world, there's a lot going on that you won't find in the travel brochure when you're booking your luxurious South African get away.

One thing that you will not find on any fact sheet about South Africa is that approximately 20% of the population is infected with HIV/AIDS. The HIV/AIDS outbreak has reached epic proportions in South Africa. Research done by S.C. Kalichman shows there are up to 1600 new HIV infections per day. In 2008 the UNAIDS/WHO organizations published a report witch estimates how the HIV/AIDS epidemic has affected the South African population:

In 2007:

Among 15-24 year olds approximately 4% of males and 12.7% of females were found to have the HIV virus.

350,000 deaths were attributed to AIDS

1.4 million children (under 17) were believed to be orphaned due to their parents dying from the AIDS virus. In 2001 there were 400,000. This number more than TRIPLED over a six year time span.

This epidemic has had a profound effect on South African society. There are many theories as to why the disease has (and continues to) spread rapidly throughout the country. Some researches have attributed this to a strong culture of traditionalism that still governs much of South Africa’s citizens. Many South Africans who uphold the beliefs of their ancestors believe that the AIDS virus is caused by witchcraft. Researchers show that 11% of the population believes this and, as a result, will go to a witch doctor for treatment rather than a medical doctor.

I find this very interesting considering there are ways to protect yourself from contracting the HIV virus. There seems to be such a lack of education on sexual health and safe practices as well as a lack of effort to provide this type of education. This is a topic that has so devastatingly affected the country. As I prepare myself for my trip, I try to remember to also prepare myself mentally. This disease has become so much apart of the daily life and society of South Africans that I know I will encounter many people who have or are dealing with the affects of this terrible disease.

If you’re interested, I consulted two articles for this post:

HIV and AIDS estimates. Source: UNAIDS/WHO 2007 AND

Traditional Beliefs about the cause of AIDS and AIDS related stigma in South Africa. Source: EBSCO host library by S.C. Kalichman et al.

Some more quick facts

Capital city: Admin Capital Pretoria. Legislative Capital Cape Town
Area: 1220088 square km
National day: 27 April (Freedom day, anniversary of the first non-racial elections, 1994)
Independence: 31 May 1910, union of four British colonies which evolved to full independence. Became the Republic of South Africa in 1961 and withdrew from the Commonwealth. Population: Approx 49 million
Leader: Jacob Zuma
Deputy President - Kgalema Motlanthe
Language: Afrikaans, English, Ndebele, North Sotho, Sesotho, Swazi, Tsonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa, Zulu. (eleven official)
Currency: Rand ZAR (R)
Ethnic groups: 79.3% Black; 9.1% White; 9.0% Coloured; 2.6% Asian

ELEVEN languages....WOW.
That is all...=)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Some info about South Africa...

I came across a website (www.exploresouthafrica.net) that had some interesting facts about South Africa that I found interesting....

The Republic of South Africa takes up an area of 1,221,037 square kilometres - equal to the combined land mass of Germany, Italy and France. The coast line stretches for some 2954 kilometres, with many beautiful beaches and wonderful sea views.

The population of South Africa is approximately 49 million.

South Africa has eleven official languages. English is the most commonly spoken, followed by Afrikaans, Zulu and Xhosa. The others are Pedi, Tswana, Sotho, Tsonga, Swati, Venda and Ndebele. The majority of South Africans speak English as well as a traditional language!

South Africa is made up of nine provinces; Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Northern Cape, Free State, North West, Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu Natal, there are three capital cities in South Africa they are Cape Town, the parliamentary capital in the Western Cape, Pretoria in Gauteng, the administrative capital and Bloemfontein the judicial capital. Johannesburg in Gauteng is the largest city. The current Head of State is President Thabo Mbeki.

Of the population of South Africa 77% of the population are black, 10% are white, 8% are mixed race, 2.5% are of Indian or Asian descent
Christianity is the most widely recognized religion in South Africa, with 75% of the population following the faith, 21% has no religious affiliation and among the rest of the South Africa's religions are Muslim, Hindu, and Jewish.
20% of the world's gold is mined in South Africa

The only street in the world to house two Nobel Peace Prize winners is in Soweto . Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu both have houses in Vilakazi Street , Orlando West.

Several million of the population of South Africa have illegal immigrant status - they're mostly from other African countries such as Zimbabwe, Malawi and the DRC.
Four of the five fastest land animals live in Africa - the cheetah (70 miles per hour), wildebeest, lion, and Thomson's gazelle (all about 50 mph).

Fast approaching...

So now with just a little over a month left before I embark on the biggest journey of my life....I am definitely beginning to feel the heat...literally. First of all, its been crazy humid here over the past few days and I feel like im baking in the oven at 350. And I have 31 days...yes 31...left until I leave for South Africa and I have soooo much to do. I'm still working on the payment part. So far I have recieved support from so many people and I am truly thankful for EVERYONE who has been supporting me whether it be financially, emotionally or just praying for me. I am a little overwhelmed with all the support and interest I have been recieving AND it feels good to know that so many people have my back!
There are also a lot of hidden costs that I have been encountering such has $200 for vaccinations..$150 for contacts ( yall know I will break then lose my glasses lol) and thats just for the eye exam and fitting, and khaki pants for working and I don't even own a pair cause i just hate them =). Just a few of the random things that are starting to pop up the I need. BUT I know it will ALLL be worth it in the end...pray for me! =)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

As the time approaches for me to embark on probably the most important journey of my life, I have a lot of mixed emotions. I am excited to see a new place and explore a different way of living. I am also very anxious. You see, I have never been on an airplane before. Well, at least not at a time when I could remember it. You see, my mom INSISTS that I rode on an airplane when I was 6 months old...*blank stare*. I hardly think that counts seeing as how I remember nothing from my baby years. Sooo I ask that you all keep praying for me that I am able to make it through the plane trip without (1) getting sick (2) letting out a high pitched scream (3) digging my fingernails into the hand of the person sitting next to me and (4) running to the exit and demanding that they let me off in mid air.
Btw its a 20 hour flight to Johanasburg then a transfer to a crop duster plane for a 2 hour ride to Capetown. God be with me! =/