Friday, May 14, 2010

Its REALLY happening!

I just had my first meeting for the trip to South Africa. I am very excited. It seems that we are going be doing a lot of good work while we are there. We will be assigned to a specific job, right now it looks as if I will be working with the elderly. We will have to go to work Monday-Friday from 8-2 with weekends off. Its like a real job without pay! Actually, I'm paying THEM to let me work for ironic is that? lol. In all seriousness though, I am truly excited about going and I am looking forward to helping out while I am there.
I found out that we will be staying in a boarding house with 21 volunteers from all over the US and a few from other countries. There is a staff that will cook and clean for us (thats nice) and we even have a driver who will drive us around! Let the countdown begin....76 days!

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